The following is a guest post from our customer, GAMEplan Books…
Leave a comment or question on this post about Game Machines to be entered into a draw to WIN a free copy. Contest will close March 15, 2012 March 31, 2012 and is open to residents of Canada and United States only.
**Update** Thanks to everyone for participating and congratulations to Adam Mash on being the winner of our draw.
Over the last few months, we have been working with Still Creek Press and Vancouver-based publisher Enati Media to produce our book Game Machines 1972-2012: The Encyclopedia of Consoles, Handhelds and Game Machines.
As a full-colour, 248 page smyth-sewn reference book loaded with product shots of historic to modern day home computers and videogame systems, it was an interesting challenge to ensure a high degree of colour accuracy and consistency. With cross-page headers and images throughout the book, it was equally important to ensure a tight page alignment in the proofs to minimize any stepping across the pages.
With Enati’s reviewers and resellers providing feedback such as “I’m really liking it” and “well written and with high quality color pictures” it seems we succeeded. If you’d like to decide for yourself or purchase a copy for the gamer in your life, please see or contact Enati Media directly at
— GAMEplan Books