Over the last three months of 2011 we were very fortunate to have a small group of fourth year senior marketing students from UBC’s Sauder School of Business working with us. They were asked to identify and recommend opportunities for business improvement and innovation that could impact our team, our company and our customers.
The students brought with them a high level of energy and enthusiasm to our organization, and they provided a fresh perspective and some great new ideas. “It was a wonderful experience to see the imagination, creativity and knowledge that is represented by these students,” said Cameron McClean, CEO of Still Creek Press. “I think it is very clear that the student marketing team put an enormous amount of thought into the plan that they presented for us. This was a great project; we were very pleased with the quality of the student work and the level of creativity that they brought to their solutions.”
Now that the students have presented their marketing plan to the Still Creek Press stakeholders, it will be up to our marketing team to consider putting their plan into action when the team meets for its annual marketing planning session in the new year. We hope that this mutually beneficial opportunity becomes an annual activity between our company and the Sauder School of Business marketing students.