Process Control: One of the most important aspects of state-of-the-art press work
Last week, Still Creek Press marked the beginning of a major colour process control initiative, the goal of which is to ensure that for any given printing condition, all of our lithographic, colour digital and large format printing devices will conform to the internationally recognized GRACoL colour standard. This means that you can expect Still Creek Press to uphold the same stringent quality colour standards as any qualified G7 Master Printer in North America or around the globe.
Measurable and repeatable colour quality
The IDEAlliance G7 process control methodology is all about making colour quality measurable and repeatable from our customers’ incoming files to all of our colour output devices. As well, we’re given the tools to communicate to our customers as to how best prepare colour files that will print optimally and by doing so, involve them as partners in quality. Still Creek Press retained the services of Ernst Vegt of Coast Imaging Arts, a nationally respected expert in G7 methodology, to help facilitate the process of certification with the IDEAlliance G7 programme.
We’ll keep you informed of the results once the proofs and test forms are submitted to the IDEAlliance for analysis. Expect to hear more announcements in regards to colour process control in the coming months as our team found it to be one of the most valuable takeaways from their trip to the Drupa Print Media Fair in Germany last month!
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